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  • Registration: 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Opening Ceremony: 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
  • Guest Speakers: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Networking Lunch: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Closing Remarks: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Event Speakers

"Meet the Speakers"


Martin Jekobs LT.

"Our goal is to revolutionize healthcare by leveraging technology to improve patient outcomes..."

Title: CMO, ABC Inc.

LinkedIn Twitter


Eloise Alice EA.

"Our goal is to revolutionize healthcare by leveraging technology to improve patient outcomes..."

Title: CMO, ABC Inc.

LinkedIn Twitter


Luna Ophelia AK.

"Our goal is to revolutionize healthcare by leveraging technology to improve patient outcomes..."

Title: CMO, ABC Inc.

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Digital Analytics & Strategy Consulting Agency

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@BusinessConnect Just wrapped up an amazing session on networking! #BusinessConnectEvents

@JohnDoe Learning so much at the Business Connect conference today. #BusinessConnectEvents

@TechGuru Excited to be speaking at #BusinessConnectEvents tomorrow! Don't miss it!

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Event Title 1

Quality Design

Fusce maximus turpis insep magn cursus, vehicula.

Event Title 2

Quality Design

Fusce maximus turpis insep magn cursus, vehicula.

Event Title 3

Quality Design

Fusce maximus turpis insep magn cursus, vehicula.


Second edition


Fully responsive CSS flip book, thanks to the cqmin unit.

Even more, the book height is dicated by the amount of content in the tallest page. The only thing you need to take care of is how much text you put into a page.

Img 1

JS at its minimum

JavaScript is at its minimum. Basically it's only used to set the initial page index and assign click listeners to the pages. Modifies the CSS Var for the current page, and the rest is handled entirely by CSS.

Additionally JavaScript allows you to click on an anchor link in your text — without turning the page. You can also have multiple independent flip books in a single document. You're all covered.

Crafting CSS magic

The opened (viewing) pages of the flip book are always kept at the same elevation. This is necessary if your book has no inclination (is top-down-view). Have you noticed that you can also click on the pages edge? CSS will nicely animate the group of pages to skip with a staggered animation.

Like in this demo, you can change the perspective of the parent container and change the X axis rotation of the book for extra effect.

The necessary FlipBook's CSS is barely 30 lines, there is no swipe, natural page flip angling, complex shadows, etc. in order to keep it as simple as possible.

Feel free to use and abuse this code. Drop me a line if you find it cool or useful, or just want to say hi.

Img 2

That's all, folks

FlipBook code and content:
Roko C. Buljan
Original idea:
Stack Overflow answer
Images by: